The worldeide economy tendency to develop paves the way for innovation The worldeide economy tendency to develop paves the way for innovation


Mahammadsidik Amonboev


This book illustrates why Internafional markefing of services, technological marketing service, Strategic Global Marketing, International Management, International Trading, Telecommunication economic system, innovafion and all kind of economics ranges are considered as a major force in economic growth and focuses on some of the most distinctive features of innovation in the highly industrialized economies of the Central Asia, Asia and whole around the world area. In particular, the paper attempts to examine a primary single feature, "uncertainty" that dominates the search for new technologies by drawing several cases on the world experience. It also touches on the impact of technological innovation in the tourism industry and how it is transforming the tourism business model and those models are properly to make the missive or the invitation, to accept the partner and to carry on negotiations with it to resolve the outstanding issue and to adjust mutually advantageous cooperafion. In many countries the much attention is given all these questions very much. Often the first acquaintance to "written" and "unwritten" rules of business dialogue and behavior begins with school, its features, norms, laws. To each person, irrespective of a progression, the social status in that or a degree it is necessary to face similar problems. Special value has business dialogue for the people borrowed by business. In many respects from on how many they own a science and art of dialogue the success of their activity depends. To be the businessman is a risk. It means be in advance ready to get in hospital or in prison. Having stepped « on a track » business, we usually make use of already saved up modest experience - the, the family and friends. But it a little. Changing a way of life, we change essence of the mentality, style of relationships with partners . Dynamic stereotypes of behavior. Unfortunately, in our country in current of long time to that side of business dialogue which is presented by the report and etiquette, trained at best going on work abroad: diplomats, workers of the foreign trade organizations. Other experts seldom had a possibility to receive even the general concepts about these "knowledge’s". To other side of business dialogue connected with problems of psychology, technology of conducting business conversations and negotiations at all did not pay attention, believing, that here and to learn there is nothing. In the West appropriating training courses are practically at each university. As a result the person on reception not a question where to put a napkin or in what glass to pour wine, and entering with the partner  in negotiations, Knows as it to plant and with what  it is better to begin conversation. But now and in our country the situation changes. First, the circle of persons, connected on a sort of the activity with foreign partners significantly has extended. That with advantage messages of business to it, it is necessary to know the standard rules and  norms  of business dialogue, to be able to negotiate and conversations. Secondly, becoming a part of the uniform  business world, all of us in a greater measure it is transferable existing general laws on our validity, I require of domestic partners of the civilized dialogue. Besides knowledge of the business report, etiquette important in the psychological plan. Probably, many appeared in an awkward situation or observed confusion of the person, whether not knowing it is necessary to it to the first to submit a hand at a meeting or to wait while it the partner will make. Uncertainty, awkwardness, impede to business relations, spoil the general atmosphere of a meeting. Psychological aspects of business dialogue are very important. A question with which businessmen permanently collide, - how to construct conversation, negotiations. It is important to understand the general laws of business dialogue that will allow to analyze a situation, to consider interests of the partner, to speak in the "general" language. Skill in any business comes with practice, and business dialogue is not exception. The objective of the given work consists in getting acquainted directly with business circles of the world, with those rules which have already developed in dialogue of business circles and maybe, with the reserves, allowing to feel freely and comfortably, not causing the acts of bewilderment and the latent smile from. In the first chapter « Essence, forms and conditions of progress of business ethics in modern conditions », are stated the basic forms and conditions of business ethics in modern conditions, its essence, as well as influence on business as a whole.

In the second chapter « the Analysis of a state of the art of national features of business dialogue », national features of business dialogue at the present stage are considered, the business culture on an example of the  specific countries is analyzed. In the third chapter « Problems and ways of perfection of business ethics to modern business », are stated the reasons for the problems resulting business dialogue, and ways of their overcoming are considered. In "Conclusion", the basic conclusions of research are stated, as well as the sight at those problems which should be solved Uzbekistan in connection with its occurrence in the international business is stated.


How to Cite
Amonboev, M., & Bekmurodov, A. (2020). The worldeide economy tendency to develop paves the way for innovation . Scientific Research Archive, 1(24). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mahammadsidik Amonboev

Abstract: The primary objective of this research is to analyze investment capability of various Joint Stock Companies (JSC) in the territory of the Uzbekistan Republic. It includes current economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, this research analyzes important priority of corporations in Uzbekistan which are following: private and public enterprises, corporate organizations and government organizations and corporations itself. Moreover, evaluates each organization briefly and assesses their role in developing economic situation in Uzbekistan.