Impact of Economic Regulation through Monetary Policy: Impact Analysis of Monetary Policy Tools on Economic Stability in Uzbekistan
Abstract: Monetary policy is an integral part of economic development strategy in any
economy due to its significant impact on economic sustainability. It has been an effective tool
for regulating the economy through several tools. Nowadays the use of monetary policy tools
to manage economic growth processes is a common practice in all market economies by
balancing money supply and demand in domestic markets, increasing the benefits from
foreign trade by exchange rate and overall financial flows by monitoring inflation rate trends.
However, most effective tools are refinancing rate, mandatory reserve requirements and
sterilization operations, which have direct linkages to financial flows, money supply, inflation,
and exchange rate. In this paper, the author examined the impact of monetary policy tools
on economic regulation in Uzbekistan by analyzing the relationship between monetary policy
tools and economic growth. Empiric analysis revealed that monetary policy tools influenced
positively on economic growth with a long-term relationship.
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