Learning Foreign Vocabulary Using Computer Programs


Oybek Eshbayev
Rozanna Abdullaeva Rozanna Abdullaeva
Gulbahor Mirrahimova Gulbahor Mirrahimova
Guzal Aminova Guzal Aminova
Ilona Israilova Ilona Israilova


As we know, information and communication technologies are an effective pedagogical tool in teaching foreign languages.
The use of ICT helps to accelerate the learning process, increase students’ interest during the subject, improve the quality of assimilation of the material, allows us to individualize the learning process and make it possible to avoid the subjectivity of the assessment.
However, along with positive points, experts note some shortcomings. First of all, the lack of high-quality software and there is no direct oral dialogue with a computer. But, in spite of everything, computer programs exist and are successfully used in the study of various subjects. Practices show that they have many advantages over traditional teaching methods. Among them are the individualization of instruction and the intensification of students' independent work, and the increase in cognitive activity and motivation.
Vocabulary is a collection of words (vocabulary) of a particular language. Words that a person uses in his speech practice, oral and written, make up his active vocabulary. The richer and more diverse the vocabulary of a person, the easier it is to use his language. The main stages of work on vocabulary are: acquaintance with new material, initial consolidation, development of skills and abilities to use vocabulary in various forms of oral and written communication. For effective learning of vocabulary, it is necessary to include all the stages of training, since they are a single whole. Without mastering the vocabulary, neither understanding of the speech of other people nor expression of one’s own thoughts is possible. The process of mastering vocabulary consists of several stages; 1) familiarization, including introduction and explanation; 2) training in the use of lexical units and 3) the use of lexical units[8].



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