Evaluation of Textile and Clothing Industry Clustering Capabilities in Uzbekistan: Based on Model of M.Porter


Shahnoza Djasurovna


The light industry of Uzbekistan was stepped to the new stage of innovation development and a clear strategy has been defined. The strategy defines the task of creating textile clusters in all regions of Uzbekistan. Namangan region is considered to be one of the most developed areas of the textile industry in Uzbekistan. The main factors of the development of the region's light industry are crafts, silkworm, breeding and transition of atlas passing from generation to generation. Namangan region’s high population density compared to other regions of the country, relatively low fertile farming lands, and limited resources for other industries cause specialization of the light industry. The article suggests the method of determining the opportunities of using the cluster strategy in the light industry in the example of the Namangan region based on the demo model of M. Porter.



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