Basics of Developing Complex Models of Digital Technologies for Regulation of Relationships in the Rural Labour Market
The article researches the foundations for the development of a complex of models of digital technologies for regulating relations in the rural labour market in labour-surplus regions in the conditions of the functioning of a socially oriented market economy.
It proposes interrelated stages of complex modeling of digital technologies for regulating social and labour relations in the rural labour market: the goal and the list of problem-optimization problems to be solved are identified, the type of economic and mathematical models is selected, a complex of models (CM) and their consistency are developed, the CM proposed methods of solution are identified, the collection, analysis and assessment of the reliability of the necessary information are conducted, computer validation developed by the CM is conducted, software options are selected, a comprehensive analysis of the obtained computer results, a strategy for the effective implementation of digital technology in the research object is developed.
In this work, on the basis of the abovementioned stages, it is recommended to develop digital technologies of CM for regulating relations on the main problems in the object of research: improving the demographic-social basis of the formation of the rural labour market, optimizing the economic indicators of the formation of the rural labour market, achieving a match between the demand and supply of labour and their optimal social-economic regulation, increasing the dynamics of inter-sectoral movements of labour resources, ensuring the proportionality of jobs with labour resources, reducing the level of rural unemployment, formation of rational employment of the rural able-bodied population, effective development of the rural labour market and the rational use of the rural labour resources.
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