Ushbu maqola tijorat banklarining tarif siyosatining nazariy asoslarini tavsiflaydi va mahalliy va xorijiy iqtisodchilarning tijorat banklarining tarif siyosati borasidagi qarashlarini tahlil qiladi.
How to Cite
Alimardonov, I. (2020). ТИЖОРАТ БАНКЛАРИ ТАРИФ СИЁСАТИНИНГ НАЗАРИЙ АСОСЛАРИ. Илмий тадқиқотал архиви, 1(24). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/2766
1. Ortikmirzaevich, T. B. (2017). Improving logistics as main factor in textile capacity usage. Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, (46-2), 44-52.
2. Tursunov B. O. Principles and functions of management of production capacity //Вопросы управления. – 2017. – №. 3 (46).
3. Ibragimov, I. U., & Tursunov, B. O. (2017). Enhancement the mechanism of analyzing of the methodological principles for the development and improvement of methods of assessment. Аудит, (4), 11-13.
4. Турсунов, Б. О. (2017). Стратегия развития легкой промышленности Республики Узбекистан. Вестник Института экономики РАН, (5).
5. Ortikmirzaevich, T. B. (2017). Principles and functions of management of production capacity. Journal of process management. New technologies, 5(4), 61-68.
6. Kirill K., Bobir T., Ziedulla H. Estimation methodology of efficiency of production capacity management at textile enterprises //Бюллетень науки и практики. – 2018. – Т. 4. – №. 1.
7. Ergashxodjaeva S. J. et al. Evaluation of textile and clothing industry clustering capabilities in Uzbekistan: based on model of M. Porter //Int J Econ Manag Sci. – 2018. – Т. 7. – №. 439. – С. 8. Yuldashev N. et al. Innovative development of Uzbekistan agroindustrial complex //International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital agriculture-development strategy”(ISPC 2019). – Atlantis Press, 2019.
9. Tursunov, B. (2020). Aspect of Financial Security of Industrial Enterprises Under Influence of Global Crisis. Asian Journal of Technology & Management Research, 10(01), 116-122.
10. Tursunov B. O.The world experience of the investment funds development and the prospects of their development in Uzbekistan. Научные исследования в социально-экономическом развитии общества Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции. Саранск, 11-12 апреля 2018 г.
2. Tursunov B. O. Principles and functions of management of production capacity //Вопросы управления. – 2017. – №. 3 (46).
3. Ibragimov, I. U., & Tursunov, B. O. (2017). Enhancement the mechanism of analyzing of the methodological principles for the development and improvement of methods of assessment. Аудит, (4), 11-13.
4. Турсунов, Б. О. (2017). Стратегия развития легкой промышленности Республики Узбекистан. Вестник Института экономики РАН, (5).
5. Ortikmirzaevich, T. B. (2017). Principles and functions of management of production capacity. Journal of process management. New technologies, 5(4), 61-68.
6. Kirill K., Bobir T., Ziedulla H. Estimation methodology of efficiency of production capacity management at textile enterprises //Бюллетень науки и практики. – 2018. – Т. 4. – №. 1.
7. Ergashxodjaeva S. J. et al. Evaluation of textile and clothing industry clustering capabilities in Uzbekistan: based on model of M. Porter //Int J Econ Manag Sci. – 2018. – Т. 7. – №. 439. – С. 8. Yuldashev N. et al. Innovative development of Uzbekistan agroindustrial complex //International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital agriculture-development strategy”(ISPC 2019). – Atlantis Press, 2019.
9. Tursunov, B. (2020). Aspect of Financial Security of Industrial Enterprises Under Influence of Global Crisis. Asian Journal of Technology & Management Research, 10(01), 116-122.
10. Tursunov B. O.The world experience of the investment funds development and the prospects of their development in Uzbekistan. Научные исследования в социально-экономическом развитии общества Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции. Саранск, 11-12 апреля 2018 г.