Opportunities for the visually impaired persons to engage in small business in the economic sectors



Entrepreneurship is a voluntary process carried out by a market economy entity, and individuals and legal entities have the freedom to choose their activities. However, based on the health requirements of the visually impaired persons, the state should be able to identify areas for their health and activities, products and services that may be operating in sectors or sectors of the economy in order to reduce the risk to the environment.

The following research also analyzes the possibilities and directions of working with small businesses for blind people.

Results of research:

- The system of appointing a trustee for the blind and visually impaired persons engaged in small business and private entrepreneurship with legal knowledge and qualifications in business activities is based;

- It is proposed to develop procedures for free entry of blind and disabled persons engaged in small business and private entrepreneurship in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

- Areas of economic activity where blind persons with disabilities can be employed and provided in accordance with the Classification of Economic Activities;

- It is based on the need to create and maintain opportunities for blind people with disabilities to start family businesses.



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