The Importance of The Improvement And Convergence of Ias/Ifrs to the National Accounting System of Uzbekistan


Аброржон Кучаров


Nowadays, the world is changing very quickly and so is Accounting Practices. As free movement of capital and other resources is very important for the economic and political integration of the countries, harmonization and convergence of accounting and financial reporting can be considered as an integral part of this development. In addition, financial information of different firms around the world, which can be hardly achieved by different accounting and financial reporting practices can be easily compared by shareholders and other stakeholders. The foundation of a more apparent and proficient capital marketplace that will help a lower cost of capital. That is why the harmonization of international accounting standards and the national accounting system has already become an issue, need and problem in Uzbekistan.



I. The laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan
1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Accounting” of April 13, 2016 (with subsequent additions and changes).
II. The decrees and orders of the Presidents of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2. Decree of President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan “On measures on introduction of modern methods of corporate management in joint stock companies” on 24 April 2015.
3. The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On priority directions of further reforming and increasing sustainability of financial-banking system of the republic in 2011-2015 and achieving high international rating indicators.” “Collection of Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2010.”
III. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the legal documents of the ministries
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