The role of islamic banking in the transformation of international corporations as a reflection of modern globalization and migration RELIGACIÓN Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Modern globalization activates many activities that entropy increases the impact of globalization on the very nature of
human civilization (Osipov G, 2015). The contemporary world has gradually developed the characteristics of a kind of
global self-regulation, which is still limited in scale. International corporations that use Islamic banking are incorporated
into the global processes of world civilization, maintaining socio-economic equilibrium on a worldwide scale. The inclusion
of the confessional factor in the processes of globalization, the creation of a single connection of the planetary scale indicates
the emergence of a new situation in world society, which in the twenty-first century. Began to represent a unique global
economic system with self-regulation, based on universal feedback mechanisms.
Vol.2, pp.: 44-49.
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