
Жанабай Исаков


At present many developing countries have been characterized as emerging
economies which are rapidly growing. Such growth has been achieved on the basis of crediting
of industries, including service industry . Crediting of service industry has a positive impact on
both development of domestic market and increasing of foreign direct investments to national
economy . Uzbekistan is one of the developing countries where crediting of service industry has
been developed under the direct governmental support. Uzbekistan’s experience on this issue is
one of the best in Central Asian Region, and rapid growth of many SMEs delivering various
services are the definite results of crediting policy in service industry .


Как цитировать
Исаков, Ж. (2020). REDITING OFSERVICE INDUSTRYIN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: UZBEKIST AN’S EXPERIENCE. Архив научных исследований, 1(14). извлечено от


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