Кичик бизнес субъектларида меҳнатни муҳофаза қилиш тадбирлари ҳолатини баҳолаш
The article assesses the status of occupational safety and health measures
implemented by some small businesses enterprises operating in the Namangan region of
Uzbekistan. The paper also provides suggestions and recommendations for the organization of
occupational safety and health measures taking into account the profitability of these measures
for enterprises, as well as improvements in the system of occupational safety and health in small
How to Cite
Goyipnazarov, S. (2020). Кичик бизнес субъектларида меҳнатни муҳофаза қилиш тадбирлари ҳолатини баҳолаш. Scientific Research Archive, 1(4). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/972
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2. БМТнинг Халқаро меҳнат офиси маълумотлари, 2016.
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5. Silas Titus. Key Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail. Accredited Associate of The
Institute for Independent Business. 2015. 9 p.
6. Абдураҳманов О.Қ. Ўзбекистон Республикасида меҳнатни муҳофаза қилиш
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7. M.A.Gopang. Impact of Safety Management Practices on the Performance of
SMEs. Thesis. Mehran University Pakistan. 2015. 137-156 p.
8. Enrico Cagno. Economic evaluation of OSH and its way to SMEs: A constructive
review. Safety Science. 53 (2013) 134–152.
9. Jinsong Zhao, Reinhard Joas, Jochen Abel, Tomas Marques, Johanna Suikkanen.
Proce ss safety challenges for SMEs in China. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process
Industries 26 (2013) 880 e886.
10. Абдураҳманов О.Қ. Ўзбекистон Республикасида меҳнатни муҳофаза қилиш
тизимини бошқариш самарадорлигини ошириш. Монография. Фан, 2010 йил. 201-бет
11. Тадқиқот мобайнида олинган маълумотлар статистикаси.
12. Ajala E.M. The influence of workplace environment on worker`s welfare.
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13. Ajala E.M. The influence of workplace environment on worker`s welfare.
Perform/ Product. 2012. 8-342.
14. Сavazza.N., Serpe A. Effects of safety norm violation^ exploring the mediating
role of attitudal ambivalence toward personal protective equipment. J.saf. Res. 2009. 277-283.
15. Veerle H.,Jan V. The relation between OSH and ergonomics. Applied
Ergonomics.Volume 37, Issue 4, July 2006, Pages 451-459.
16. Khoo. T.H., Lilis S. Mohd N.S. Safety training and safety behavior in the Malaysian
SMEs. Journal of occupational safety and health. Volume 13. № 2. 2016.
17. Cagno E., Micheli.G., Jacinto C., Masi D. Occupational safety and health (OSH)
performance of SMEs: a structural framework. International conference on industrial
engineering and engineering management. 2011. pp. 985-989.
18. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг «Хусусий корхона тўғрисида»ги қонуни //
19. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг «Меҳнатни муҳофаза қилиш тўғрисида»ги
қонуни (янги таҳрири) // Халқ сўзи, 2016 йил 23 сентябрь.