This topic is very relevant in the context of interbank
competition. The rating system and assessment of banks' performance has
great importance. When writing this article, I used the analysis of dynamics
induction and deduction. The end result is this rating system
will help increase the stability of a commercial bank and insure against
competition. The rating system and assessment of banks' performance has
great importance. When writing this article, I used the analysis of dynamics
induction and deduction. The end result is this rating system
will help increase the stability of a commercial bank and insure against
How to Cite
Муминова, М. (2020). ТИЖОРАТ БАНКЛАРИНИНГ АКТИВЛАРИНИ САМАРАЛИ . Scientific Research Archive, 1(2). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/3653
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2. www.worldbank org. маълумотлари асосида тайёрланган.
3. Банковский менеджмент: учебник. /Подред. О.И. Лаврушина. 3-е изд.,
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