Management analysis of cotton-fiber quality in cotton gining plants


Dotsent Maxsudov


Cotton products historically determine the level of well-being of society and the economic power of the country that produces it. The demand for cotton fiber in the world is growing all the time. Due to the large volumes of cotton fiber production, the Republic of Uzbekistan is a leading participant in the global cotton industry, ranking sixth in the production of cotton fiber and fifth in its export.


How to Cite
Maxsudov, B. (2020). Management analysis of cotton-fiber quality in cotton gining plants. Scientific Research Archive, 34(1). Retrieved from


Актуальные вопросы совершенствоания бухгалтерского учета, статистики и налогообложения организаций. Материалы VIII международной научно-практической конференции. 15 февраля 2019 г. Том 1. Тамбов 2019г.