
S. Mirzaliev


The priority valve (PV) stems from the need to feed a system in which there are multiple group of users with the single flow generation
unit. There are many examples of this setup in industry, i.e. the forklift truck has a single pump connected to users responsible for the
rotation, inclination and lifting of the forks together with the hydraulic steering unit. From safety point of view, the steering unit is the
priority user over others. Therefore, the valve must always ensure the presence of flow at the priority user with. The oil flow not used in
priority user is then sent to the other working users. To simulate the valve there are many simulation tools, but the paper uses software by
Siemens - AmeSim practiced by professionals in industry.


How to Cite
S. Mirzaliev. (2020). AMESIM SIMULATION OF THE PRIORITY VALVE. Scientific Research Archive, 1(30). Retrieved from


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