Modulation of catecholamine and other neutomedia-tors levels in ascs


Гулнора Мусаханова


Currently there are a lot of reports in the literature about change of some protein levels including so called “neurospecific” regulatory peptides, a number of mediators, hormones, their metabolites and precursors in blood and other biological fluids under the effect of alcohol, narcotics, neuropsychic diseases, in hypnosis and its pharmacologic modeling’s [1, 4]. Activity of a number of enzymes, participating in the catecholamine metabolism, protein glycolyzation and other processes also under-go significant changes.


How to Cite
Мусаханова, Г. (2020). Modulation of catecholamine and other neutomedia-tors levels in ascs. Scientific Research Archive, 1(22). Retrieved from


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