
Mahammadsidik Amonboev


The article examines the issues of improving the quality of training specialists in the tourism industry, which affects to the improvement of the quality of tourist services. Nowadays improving the quality of education is a strategic direction of the development of republic. The practice of innovative tourism education requires the need to form a specialist in the field of tourism not only certain knowledge and skills, but also a special professional "competencies", i.e. the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice, in professional activities, in creating competitive services. With the use of modern teaching methods, it is possible to guarantee a successful development of the personality of the future professionals in the educational environment of the university. 


How to Cite
Amonboev, M. (2020). EDUCATIONAL MODEL OF TRAINING A FUTURE SPECIALIST OF TOURISM INDUSTRY . Scientific Research Archive, 1(26). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mahammadsidik Amonboev

Abstract: The primary objective of this research is to analyze investment capability of various Joint Stock Companies (JSC) in the territory of the Uzbekistan Republic. It includes current economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, this research analyzes important priority of corporations in Uzbekistan which are following: private and public enterprises, corporate organizations and government organizations and corporations itself. Moreover, evaluates each organization briefly and assesses their role in developing economic situation in Uzbekistan.


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