Хитой Халқ банкининг очиқ бозордаги фаолияти ва уни маҳаллий пул бозорининг замонавий ривожланиш тенденцияларига таъсири
The paper studied the effect of open market operations on the volume of money
in circulation and interest rates. In addition, issues related to current operation
condition of the People's Bank of China on the open market are studied.
How to Cite
Duskobilov, U. (2020). Хитой Халқ банкининг очиқ бозордаги фаолияти ва уни маҳаллий пул бозорининг замонавий ривожланиш тенденцияларига таъсири. Scientific Research Archive, 1(20). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/2257
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