Ўзи учар қурилмаларни қишлоқ хўжалигида фойдаланилишини таҳлили
The article examines the experience of foreign countries in the use of self-propelled devices in agriculture, the possibilities and potential of targeted use of self-propelled devices in agriculture, the use of self-propelled devices in agricultural projects.
The problems in the introduction of self-propelled devices in agriculture are listed
SWOT-analysis of the use was performed.
How to Cite
Shoaxmedova, N. (2020). Ўзи учар қурилмаларни қишлоқ хўжалигида фойдаланилишини таҳлили. Scientific Research Archive, 1(16). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/2018
Improving data collection technology in rural areas using drones
NX Shoaxmedova, DP Xashimova, XX Xamidov, NN Norbayeva
NX Shoaxmedova, DP Xashimova, XX Xamidov, NN Norbayeva