This article analyzes the dynamics of tourist business development in Uzbekistan and the involvement of tour
operators in them. Competitiveness indicators of tourist business subjects were studied. The ways to use the international
experience in raising competitiveness in the tourism market of Uzbekistan are shown.
How to Cite
nurfayzieva, mohinur. (2020). ПОВЫШЕНИЕ КОНКУРЕНТОСПОСОБНОСТИ ТУРИСТИЧЕСКИХ БИЗНЕС-СУБЪЕКТОВ УЗБЕКИСТАН. Scientific Research Archive, 1(14). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/1984
3. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic
of Uzbekistan of 2 December 2016 No 360 "On
further improvement of the activities of the State Committee
of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development
of tourism".
4. PorterM. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for
Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: Free
Press, 1998 .
5. Kotler F. Marketing from A to Z; 80 concepts that
every manager should know. - Alpina Publishers,2010.
6. New Research Indicates Cycling To Work Has
Extraordinary Health BenefitsThe green, happy, cyclefriendly
Danish capital is working with its citizens to
create health-promoting urban design.
8. www.wttc.org.
9. www.uzbektourizm.uz.
10. www.podrobno.uz.
11. www.kartaslov.ru.
of Uzbekistan of 2 December 2016 No 360 "On
further improvement of the activities of the State Committee
of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development
of tourism".
4. PorterM. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for
Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: Free
Press, 1998 .
5. Kotler F. Marketing from A to Z; 80 concepts that
every manager should know. - Alpina Publishers,2010.
6. New Research Indicates Cycling To Work Has
Extraordinary Health BenefitsThe green, happy, cyclefriendly
Danish capital is working with its citizens to
create health-promoting urban design.
8. www.wttc.org.
9. www.uzbektourizm.uz.
10. www.podrobno.uz.
11. www.kartaslov.ru.