Ish haqining motivatsion funktsiyasi bilan iste`mol savatchasinig o`zaro aloqadorligi masalalari
Ushbu maqolada ish haqining motivatsion funktsiyasi bilan
iste`mol savatchasinig o`zaro aloqadorligi
masalalari ko‘rib chiqilgan
How to Cite
Azlarova, M. (2020). Ish haqining motivatsion funktsiyasi bilan iste`mol savatchasinig o`zaro aloqadorligi masalalari. Scientific Research Archive, 1(14). Retrieved from
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2.Azlarova, M. (2018). Analysis methods of the factors influencing on consumer market.
Bulletin of Science and Practice, 4, (2), 276-282
3. Azlarova M. Marketing strategy in the consumer market.International Scientific journal theoretical & Applied Science. Philadelphia, USA.
Published: 20.11.2018. 69-73 pages.
4. Островская Т.Г. Рыночные механизмы регулирования заработной платы. // Пищевая промышленность. 2002.
№ II. С. 12-14