"Theory of Money" Study Guide


Mavluda Yaxshiyeva


On preparing this manual the books of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov, new laws, and orders in the field of money relations, existing and statistical materials on the realization of economic reforms are used. Also, works of outstanding economists such as J.M. Keyns, M. Fridman, S. Fischer, S. Harris, P. Samualson, K. Macconell, V. Usoskin and others, are used.

On preparing this manual, new pedagogical and informational technologies, are used.


How to Cite
Yaxshiyeva, M. (2020). "Theory of Money" Study Guide. Scientific Research Archive, 1(16). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/1832


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