Ўзбекча Туризм ривожланишини бошқаришда хориж тажрибаси


Шухратжон Сайфутдинов


In this article briefly summarizes the reforms of tourism industry of our republic. The management structure of tourism and the tourism industry in the developed countries of the world were analyzed. Leading tourism organizations of countries such as Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, France, Finland and the USA are represented. The article also outlines the priorities for the development and management of tourism in our country based on international experience.


How to Cite
Сайфутдинов, Ш. (2020). Ўзбекча Туризм ривожланишини бошқаришда хориж тажрибаси. Scientific Research Archive, 1(16). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/1398


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