Te success of these reforms depends on the fact that our country occupies a worthy place among the developed and developed countries of the world, primarily in the
development of the national economy, the competitiveness of the products produced. For this purpose it is appropriate to confirm that within a short period of time the President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a number of decrees, resolutions and decrees, aimed at further deepening of economic reforms.
According to the Strategy of Actions on further development of Uzbekistan, the main f ve priorities for 2017-2021, it identifies urgent tasks to provide full support
to the population, expressing their desire to establish their own private business.
How to Cite
Otaboev, F., & Yusupov, R. (2020). ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITIES AS THE BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Scientific Research Archive, (19). Retrieved from https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/1236
1. Strategy of actions in f ve priority directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 (“Priorities of economic development and liberalization”);
2. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan December 8, 1992.
3. Te Law «On entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan» of 15 February 1991
4. Sobir Shukurov, Mansoor Maitah, Lubos Smutka. The Impact of Privatization on Economic Growth: Electron source: HTTPS://www.researchgate.net/publication/306496039_The_impact_of_privatization_on_ economic_growth_The_case_of_Uzbekistan.pdf
5. World Bank’s Report “Doing Business 2018”. Electron source: https://www.doingbusiness.org/content/dam/doingBusiness/media/Annual-Reports/English/DB2018-Full-Report.pdf
6. Te State Committee of Republic Uzbekistan on statistics. Electron source: https://stat.uz/en/435-analiticheskie-materialy-en1/2073-development-of-small-business-and-private-entrepreneurship-in-therepublic-of-uzbekistan
2. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan December 8, 1992.
3. Te Law «On entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan» of 15 February 1991
4. Sobir Shukurov, Mansoor Maitah, Lubos Smutka. The Impact of Privatization on Economic Growth: Electron source: HTTPS://www.researchgate.net/publication/306496039_The_impact_of_privatization_on_ economic_growth_The_case_of_Uzbekistan.pdf
5. World Bank’s Report “Doing Business 2018”. Electron source: https://www.doingbusiness.org/content/dam/doingBusiness/media/Annual-Reports/English/DB2018-Full-Report.pdf
6. Te State Committee of Republic Uzbekistan on statistics. Electron source: https://stat.uz/en/435-analiticheskie-materialy-en1/2073-development-of-small-business-and-private-entrepreneurship-in-therepublic-of-uzbekistan