Analysis of Influence Factors on uzbekistan stock Market Development Trends


Dildora Yusupova


The article studies the theoretical and practical aspects of improving tltock market in the infrastructure of the uzbekistan. The author. has proved that in the context of the current economic mod-ernization, it is especially important to create conditions and establish a mechanism for access to global stock markets and have a share in it The article analyzes the dynamics and condition of exchange commodity circulation in uzbekistan, anallzes a number of factors affecting the development of the stock market cf the Repubtic af Ucbekistan. Based on the regression analyeis, the relevanc relatimship and the direct relationship between the factors are deterlnin of the countrTfs stock market are proposed.


Как цитировать
Yusupova, D. (2020). Analysis of Influence Factors on uzbekistan stock Market Development Trends. Архив научных исследований, 1(21). извлечено от