The development of small business management on the basis of theories based on theories of old institutionalism and new institutionalism, its theoretical and methodological analysis and its institutional framework for modern management.
From the point of view of contemporary management, the concept of the impact of institutional factors on the development of small business on the issues of organizational business structures, the impact of economic infrastructures on the basis of evolutionary theoretical considerations, the concept of government support for the central, territorial and local legal and regulatory frameworks.
How to Cite
Umarkhodjayeva, M. (2019). The CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS BASED ON INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS. Scientific Research Archive, 1(1). Retrieved from
1. Ignatova, I. V. (2014). Predprinimatelstvo i biznes: terminologicheskaya differentsiatsiya // Nauchnyi internet zhurnal, (6). (in Russian)
2. Kolesnikov, A., & Kolesnikova, L. (1996). Malyi i srednii biznes: evolyutsiya ponyatii i problema opredeleniya. Voprosy ekonomiki, (11). (in Russian)
3. European Commission (2003 05 06). Recommendation 2003/361 / EC: SME Definition
4. Ulmasov, A., & Sharifhodjaev, M. (1995). Economy Theory. Tashkent, Employment, 192. (in Uzbek).
5. Ignatova, I. V. (2011). Teoreticheskoe issledovanie kontseptsii predprinimatelstva. Evropeiskii zhurnal sotsialnykh nauk, (8), 321 329. (in Russian)
6. Pomfret, R., & Anderson, K. H. (1997). Uzbekistan: Welfare impact of slow transition.
7. Berkinov, B. (1999) Basics of organization and operation of small businesses. Tashkent, Teacher. 9 10. (in Uzbek)
8. Amoros, J. (2009). Entrepreneurship and Quality of Institutions. A Developing Country Approach. World Institute for Economic Research (UNU WIDER), Research Paper, 23
9. Ubaydullaev, S. N. (2007). Economic institutions: the emergence and development. Tashkent, Istiqlol. (in Uzbek) 10. Veblen, T. (2017). The Place of Science in Modern Civilization. New York, Routledge.
11. Hodgson, G. M. (1988). Economics and Institutions: A Manifesto for a Modern Institutional Economics. Cambridge, Polity Press
12. Lemeshchenko, P. P. (2003). Institutsionalnaya ekonomika. Minsk, Bestprint. (in Russian)
13. Vinokurov, S. S., et al. (2014). Institutsionalnaya ekonomika: uchebnoe posobie / pod red. V. A. Grosheva, L. A. Mierin. St. Petersburg, SPbGEU, 125. (in Russian)
14. Sumroev, A. V. (2010). Zarubezhnyi opyt podderzhki i razvitiya malogo i srednego biznesa. Investitsii v Rossiyu, (4), 87
15. North, D. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 164
16. Kleiner, G. B. (2004). Evolyutsionnaya institutsionalnaya sistema. Moscow, Nauka, 240. (in Russian)
16. Hodgson, G. M. (2012). Toward an Evolutionary and Moral Science Remarks upon Receipt of the Veblen Commons Award. Journal of Economic Issues, 46, (2), 265 275.
18. Temur’s Orders. (1999). Tashkent, G. Gulom. (in Uzbek)
19. Forobi, A. N. (1993). City of Fazil people. Tashkent: Publication of Abdulla Qadyri Folk Heritage, 222. (in Uzbek)
20. Veblen, T. (1991). The theory of the leisure class. New York, Routledge, 282
21. Neiman, A. M. (2001) Institutsionalnaya ekonomicheskaya teoriya. N. Novgorod, NIK.
22. Commons, J. R. (1934). Institutional Economics; Its Place Political Economy. New York, The Macmillan Company, 921
23. Faiol, A., Teilor, F. U., Ford, G., & Emerson, G. (1992). Upravlenie eto nauka i iskusstvo. Moscow, Respublika, 349. (in Russian)
24. Taylor, F. W. (2003). The Principles of Scientific Management. Mineola, Dover Publications Inc., 80
25. Fink, T. A. (2012). Malyi i srednii biznes: zarubezhnyi opyt. Molodoi uchenyi, (4), 177
181. (in Russian)
26. Talypova, D. N. (2010). Institutsionalnaya ekologicheskaya transformatsiya ekonomiki i ekonomicheskikh otnoshenii v selskokhozyaistvennom sektore. Moscow, MGU, 371. (in Russian)
27. Kouz, R. (1993) Firma, rynok i pravo / per. s angl. B. Pinskera. Moscow, Delo LTD, 192. (in Russian)
28. Williamson, O. E. (1998). The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting. New York, The Free Press, 468
29. North, D. (1997). Institutionalized researches: Framework analysis. Economics questions, (7). 6 17
30. Hodgson, G. M. (2000). What is the Essence of Institutional Economics? Journal of Economic Issues, (34), 317 329
31. Emerson, H. (1912). The twelve principles of efficiency. New York, Engineering Magazine, 1912.
32. Daniel, A. W. (2005). The History of Management Thought. 354
33. Afanasiev, V., & Krylova, E. (1996). Maloe predprinimatelstvo v reshenii problem zanyatosti. Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal, (10). 40 47. (in Russian)
34. Kolesnikov, A., & Kolesnikov, L. (1996). Malyi i srednii biznes: evolyutsionnye kontseptsii i issledovaniya. Voprosy ekonomiki, (7), 57. (in Russian)
35. Abalkin, L. I. (1994). Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost Rossii: ugrozy i ikh otrazhenie. Voprosy ekonomiki, (12), 4 16. (in Russian)
36. Savchenko, V. (1995). Fenomen predprinimatelstva. Formalnye predprinimatelstva. Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal, (10), 59. (in Russian)
37. Shulus, A. (1997). Formirovanie sistemy podkhodov k mazhorirovaniyu predprinimatelstva v Rossii. Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal, (5 6), 85. (in Russian)
38. Smirnov, V. P. (2011). Obnaruzhenie metodologicheskikh osnov predprinimatelskoi deyatelnosti. Problema ekonomiki, (2). (in Russian)
39. Eflova, M. V. (1999). Predprinimatelstvo v sovremennom rossiiskom obshchestve: avtoref. diss. … kand. sotsiol. nauk. Kazan, 135. (in Russian)
40. Dolgorukova, I. V. (2007). Malyi i srednii biznes v Rossii: formirovanie novogo sotsialnogo obespecheniya. Moscow, Nauchnaya kniga, 154. (in Russian)
41. Tumunbayarova, J. B. (2013). Transformatsiya institutsionalnoi sredy malogo predprinimatelstva v Rossii: avtoref. diss. ... kand. ekon. nauk. Ulan Ude, 20. (in Russian)
2. Kolesnikov, A., & Kolesnikova, L. (1996). Malyi i srednii biznes: evolyutsiya ponyatii i problema opredeleniya. Voprosy ekonomiki, (11). (in Russian)
3. European Commission (2003 05 06). Recommendation 2003/361 / EC: SME Definition
4. Ulmasov, A., & Sharifhodjaev, M. (1995). Economy Theory. Tashkent, Employment, 192. (in Uzbek).
5. Ignatova, I. V. (2011). Teoreticheskoe issledovanie kontseptsii predprinimatelstva. Evropeiskii zhurnal sotsialnykh nauk, (8), 321 329. (in Russian)
6. Pomfret, R., & Anderson, K. H. (1997). Uzbekistan: Welfare impact of slow transition.
7. Berkinov, B. (1999) Basics of organization and operation of small businesses. Tashkent, Teacher. 9 10. (in Uzbek)
8. Amoros, J. (2009). Entrepreneurship and Quality of Institutions. A Developing Country Approach. World Institute for Economic Research (UNU WIDER), Research Paper, 23
9. Ubaydullaev, S. N. (2007). Economic institutions: the emergence and development. Tashkent, Istiqlol. (in Uzbek) 10. Veblen, T. (2017). The Place of Science in Modern Civilization. New York, Routledge.
11. Hodgson, G. M. (1988). Economics and Institutions: A Manifesto for a Modern Institutional Economics. Cambridge, Polity Press
12. Lemeshchenko, P. P. (2003). Institutsionalnaya ekonomika. Minsk, Bestprint. (in Russian)
13. Vinokurov, S. S., et al. (2014). Institutsionalnaya ekonomika: uchebnoe posobie / pod red. V. A. Grosheva, L. A. Mierin. St. Petersburg, SPbGEU, 125. (in Russian)
14. Sumroev, A. V. (2010). Zarubezhnyi opyt podderzhki i razvitiya malogo i srednego biznesa. Investitsii v Rossiyu, (4), 87
15. North, D. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 164
16. Kleiner, G. B. (2004). Evolyutsionnaya institutsionalnaya sistema. Moscow, Nauka, 240. (in Russian)
16. Hodgson, G. M. (2012). Toward an Evolutionary and Moral Science Remarks upon Receipt of the Veblen Commons Award. Journal of Economic Issues, 46, (2), 265 275.
18. Temur’s Orders. (1999). Tashkent, G. Gulom. (in Uzbek)
19. Forobi, A. N. (1993). City of Fazil people. Tashkent: Publication of Abdulla Qadyri Folk Heritage, 222. (in Uzbek)
20. Veblen, T. (1991). The theory of the leisure class. New York, Routledge, 282
21. Neiman, A. M. (2001) Institutsionalnaya ekonomicheskaya teoriya. N. Novgorod, NIK.
22. Commons, J. R. (1934). Institutional Economics; Its Place Political Economy. New York, The Macmillan Company, 921
23. Faiol, A., Teilor, F. U., Ford, G., & Emerson, G. (1992). Upravlenie eto nauka i iskusstvo. Moscow, Respublika, 349. (in Russian)
24. Taylor, F. W. (2003). The Principles of Scientific Management. Mineola, Dover Publications Inc., 80
25. Fink, T. A. (2012). Malyi i srednii biznes: zarubezhnyi opyt. Molodoi uchenyi, (4), 177
181. (in Russian)
26. Talypova, D. N. (2010). Institutsionalnaya ekologicheskaya transformatsiya ekonomiki i ekonomicheskikh otnoshenii v selskokhozyaistvennom sektore. Moscow, MGU, 371. (in Russian)
27. Kouz, R. (1993) Firma, rynok i pravo / per. s angl. B. Pinskera. Moscow, Delo LTD, 192. (in Russian)
28. Williamson, O. E. (1998). The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting. New York, The Free Press, 468
29. North, D. (1997). Institutionalized researches: Framework analysis. Economics questions, (7). 6 17
30. Hodgson, G. M. (2000). What is the Essence of Institutional Economics? Journal of Economic Issues, (34), 317 329
31. Emerson, H. (1912). The twelve principles of efficiency. New York, Engineering Magazine, 1912.
32. Daniel, A. W. (2005). The History of Management Thought. 354
33. Afanasiev, V., & Krylova, E. (1996). Maloe predprinimatelstvo v reshenii problem zanyatosti. Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal, (10). 40 47. (in Russian)
34. Kolesnikov, A., & Kolesnikov, L. (1996). Malyi i srednii biznes: evolyutsionnye kontseptsii i issledovaniya. Voprosy ekonomiki, (7), 57. (in Russian)
35. Abalkin, L. I. (1994). Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost Rossii: ugrozy i ikh otrazhenie. Voprosy ekonomiki, (12), 4 16. (in Russian)
36. Savchenko, V. (1995). Fenomen predprinimatelstva. Formalnye predprinimatelstva. Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal, (10), 59. (in Russian)
37. Shulus, A. (1997). Formirovanie sistemy podkhodov k mazhorirovaniyu predprinimatelstva v Rossii. Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal, (5 6), 85. (in Russian)
38. Smirnov, V. P. (2011). Obnaruzhenie metodologicheskikh osnov predprinimatelskoi deyatelnosti. Problema ekonomiki, (2). (in Russian)
39. Eflova, M. V. (1999). Predprinimatelstvo v sovremennom rossiiskom obshchestve: avtoref. diss. … kand. sotsiol. nauk. Kazan, 135. (in Russian)
40. Dolgorukova, I. V. (2007). Malyi i srednii biznes v Rossii: formirovanie novogo sotsialnogo obespecheniya. Moscow, Nauchnaya kniga, 154. (in Russian)
41. Tumunbayarova, J. B. (2013). Transformatsiya institutsionalnoi sredy malogo predprinimatelstva v Rossii: avtoref. diss. ... kand. ekon. nauk. Ulan Ude, 20. (in Russian)