Marketing strategy in the consumer market.
In article marketing strategy of firm "East-West" in which results of the company has reached the purposes because of a choice of the most suitable marketing strategy is considered. Thus marketing strategy as assortment strategy, explanation of current strategy, carrying out of the analysis of a portfolio of business of both choice of strategy of firm and an estimation of the chosen strategy have preliminary been considered.
How to Cite
Azlarova, M. (2019). Marketing strategy in the consumer market. Scientific Research Archive, 1(1). Retrieved from
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5. Jekonomicheskaja strategija firmy. Pod red. prof. Gradova A.P. (Eds.), Uchebnoe posobie. S-Pb.: Specialnaya literatura.
6. Vihanskiy V. R., & Naumov, A. tl (tqgO). Menedjment. Moscow; Firma Gardarika.
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10. Smit, P., Beri, K., & Bulford A. Kommunikacya strategicheskogo marketinga. Uchebnoe posobie. Moscow: Yuniti- dana.
11. Azlarova M.M. Analysis methods of the factors influencing on consumer markets. Bulletin of Science and Practice (Scientific journal) T. 4 №1 2018. 276-282 pages.
12. Goremykin V. A., & Nesterov N. V. Strategiya razvitiya predpriyatiya: Uchebnoe posobie .- 2-e izd., Moscow: lzdatelsko-torgovaya korporaciya "Dashkav i K".