Reforms in education in Uzbekistan: information technologies and preparation of lawers
It is necessary to realize that investments in education and training are the best solution in the diversification of the national economy. So it was and so it will be: one can not deny this phenomenon. Education is vital in stimulating economic growth, innovation and job creation.
How to Cite
Абдувахидов, А. (2019). Reforms in education in Uzbekistan: information technologies and preparation of lawers. Scientific Research Archive, 1(1). Retrieved from
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2. European Commission Brussels, 17.1.2018 COM (2018) “Communication from the commission to the European parliament, the council, the European economic and social committee and the committee of the regions: on the digital education action plan”, Swd (2018)
3. Information Technology&Lawyers. Edited by Arno R. Lodder, Anja Oskamp. 2003.
4. Aleven V. (2003), “Using Background Knowledge in Case-Based Legal Reasoning: A Computational Model and an Intelligent Learning Environment”, Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Law, v. 150, pp. 183-237.
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7. А.М.Абдувахидов, Э.Т.Маннопова. Интеллектуальная система как инструмент управления образовательным процессом в вузе. Иктисодиёт ва таълим. 2018. №1.