

This manual is intended for students, teachers, graduate students of higher education institutions, as well as independent students of computer science and computer graphics, as well as for obtaining new information on computer graphics, as well as real practical tasks. Designed for those who decide to learn. The programs presented in the book can be used visually and vividly to solve a wide range of tasks. This book can also be considered as a practical guide. This handbook consists of a number of examples, each of which is based on an original idea and task. They are packed with topics, but it's easy to follow. This approach helps readers to read and use all the simple tools in harmony, rather than contenting themselves with certain tasks. This guide will be used as a must-read book for beginners. Basic information is presented in a short, clear, simple and popular way: the interface, the database, the instructions are described.


How to Cite
Shoaxmedova, N. (2020). AXBOROT-KOMMUNIKATSIYA TEXNOLOGIYALARI VA TIZIMLAR. Scientific Research Archive, 1(21). Retrieved from


1.Shoaxmedova, N., Dadabayeva, R., Ibragimova, L., & Ermatov, S. (2019). Axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalar va tizimlar. Архив научных исследований, 1(1). извлечено от
2.Ayupov L.F., Begalov B.A., Ermatov Sh.T., Ibragimova L.T., Shoaxmedova
N.X. Shaxsiy kompyuterlar va ulardan samarali foydalanish asoslari. O‗quv
qo‗llanma. – T.: TDIU, 2007. – 490 b.