As being one of the most pivotal economic reformations in uzbekistan, eloberation of governing system is becoming increasingly important. Accordding to strategies of actions directed to development of Uzbekistan in 2017 and 2021 on 5 directions, ‘’in economic improvement and liberation, maintaining a high economical increase rate and reinforcing macroeconomic stability, increasing competiveness of national economy’’1(resolution of the president of Uzbekistan in 2017 7th February “resolution number 4749” strategies of actions directed to development of Uzbekistan between 2017 and 2021on five directions) [1] in solving one of the most imperative problems of this, analyzing and conducting an internal audit in household businesses, plays a tremendous role.
In our country, in the process of liberation and development of economy, various household businesses, property owners, creditors, debtors, renters and remedial workers, providers, consumers finally, governmental institutions’ benefits form. Precisely, causes of liberating prices, difficulties associate with controlling economy, will worsen the firms’ capability of payment as well as damage participators’ benefits in household businesses. As a result, the issue of ensuring the financial condition and stability of household businesses emerge.
In our opinion, system of internal audit allows firms discovering the way of controlling process of their financial situation. This in turn, will result in, alleviations of negative effects which occurs between the manufacturing functionality and expenditure allocation on this and efficient ruling decisions.
Abovementioned principles, in firms’ internal audit system, creates neccesity for taking investigative actions on assessing their financial situations and finding ways of enhancing their budget relaying on only internal reserves.
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