Ўзбекистон иқтисодиётидаги муҳим сифат ўзгаришлари ҳамда ишлаб чиқаришни маҳаллийлаштириш натижалари
The article describes the significant quality changes, their feature and tendencies that serve a favorable ground and factor in ensuring the sustainable development of Uzbekistan's economy. In particular, the article gives a complete analysis of the role of the industry's production sectors manufacturing competitive products, as well as the processes of launching new modern enterprises, increasing the competitiveneness of consumer products in domestic and foreign markets, as well as the localization of production.
Как цитировать
Mustafakulov, S. (2020). Ўзбекистон иқтисодиётидаги муҳим сифат ўзгаришлари ҳамда ишлаб чиқаришни маҳаллийлаштириш натижалари . Архив научных исследований, 1(4). извлечено от https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/923