Key Mechanisms of Successful Development of Family Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas (The case of Uzbekistan)


Шайзоқ Холмўминов


This is the first scientific article that indicates the main economic, organizational and legal
mechanisms of successful development of the family business which is one of the types of private
entrepreneurship as well as this article gives the new characteristics to the term of “family
entrepreneurship”. The article also discusses the main trends of increasing income and material wealthof
Uzbekistan rural population which are the key factors in the successful development of family


Как цитировать
Холмўминов, Ш. (2020). Key Mechanisms of Successful Development of Family Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas (The case of Uzbekistan). Архив научных исследований, 1(29). извлечено от
Биография автора

Шайзоқ Холмўминов, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет

Холмўминов Шайзоқ Рахматович - 63 ёш, иқтисод фанлари доктори, профессор, Тошкент давлат иқтисодиёт университети “Сифат менежменти ва рақамли назорат” бўлими бошлиғи, “Инсон ресурсларини бошқариш” кафедраси профессори.