Problems of establishing small businesses with the participation of visually impaired persons



Development of a market economy requires active participation of individuals in the economy. In addition, the ability of the visually impaired to operate in small businesses, along with the adoption of social protection by the state, is important for improving the economic well-being of blind people. At the same time, it will have a positive impact on the country's GDP growth.

The object of scientific research is the visually impaired

Subject of scientific researches - Directions for the organization and financing of small business entities with disabilities in Uzbekistan

Scientific novelty of the research:

- Proposals for the establishment of a legal and regulatory framework that will enable blind people with disabilities to engage in entrepreneurship;

- The importance of establishing training centers by state or non-government non-profit organizations for vocational training for the visually impaired is revealed;

- Opportunities for establishment and financing of business incubators for small businesses operating under or acting as subcontractors in large business entities are highlighted.


Как цитировать
Isaev, Q. (2020). Problems of establishing small businesses with the participation of visually impaired persons. Архив научных исследований, 1(14). извлечено от


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