Shodibekova Dildor Challenges on digital economy in sample of various income economies as an development instrument in Uzbekistan
Recent economic changes have developed via modern technological prospective. Consistent measures for the development of digital economy are being implemented gradual introduction of e-commerce systems for electronic document flows and service of individuals. However, find solutions for the lack of a unified information and technology platform, which integrates the centralized information by just one digital economic reform in world regions. After the global financial crisis of 2001–2009 years, digital industries have been amid the most dynamic and promising in the global economy. However, equilibrium is lacked of benefits and risks in the digital economy around the world, which explains the need for global governance in this sphere. In this article authors analyzed main role and characteristics of digital economy around average income countries. Generally, reviewing define the key characteristics of this sector, as well as highlight the challenges to international cooperation. Modern approaches on legal entities is being implemented in Uzbekistan for further development.
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