Prospects Of Viable Improvement Tradition Progressing Of Housing Finance Administration
В данной статье приводятся предложения и рекомендации по управлению жилищно-коммунальным хозяйством в республике, действующие Ситуация в этом секторе и необходимость использования концепции экономического развития для улучшения управления жильем.
Как цитировать
Шоназарова, Г. (2020). Prospects Of Viable Improvement Tradition Progressing Of Housing Finance Administration. Архив научных исследований, 1(17). извлечено от
Articles 7 and 138 of the Housing Code of the Republic of
[2] Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On
measures to further improve the management of housing
and communal services" No. UP-5017. April 18, 2017
[3] Abdullina, A. R. Housing and communal services in Russia
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tool for improving communication and cultivation up to the
level of public utilities. - M.: Southeast -Service, 2009. - 243
[5] Vumek D.P. Lean production: how to get rid of losses and
achieve the prosperity of your company / James P.
Woomek, Daniel T. Jones; trans. from English [FROM.
Turko]. - M .: Alpina Business Books, 2004 .-- 471 p.
[6] Dorzhieva E.L. Innovations in the management of a
corporation based on the introduction of the concept of
"Lean Production" // Bulletin of ISTU No. 7 (78) 2013 p.
[7] Zarubin, V.N., Astakhov, S.V. Innovative methods of project
management in construction on Learn and BIM
technologies: a training manual / V.N. Zarubin, S.V.
Astakhov.-M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 2001.-100s.
[8] Imai M. Gemba Kaizen: A Way to Lower Costs and
Improve Quality. M .: Alpina Business Books, 2014.
[9] Institute for Integrated Strategic Research (ICSI) // Website
of the Institute for Integrated Strategic Research (ICSI):
URL: http: //
[10] Kirillova D. I. Problems in the field of housing and
communal services and ways to solve them,// Young
scientist. - 2014. - No. 14. - S. 162-163. - URL (accessed:
[11] Kuznetsov A. Lean thinking // Personnel. RU. - 2009. - No.
8.- URL http // wwww.
[12] Logistics in Russia [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
[13] Luttseva V.A. The application of the principles of lean
production in public institutions // Methods of quality
management. - 2006. - No. 6. - [Electronic resource] -
Access mode. - URL: (Date of access:
[14] Nurimbetov RI, Davletov IH, TA Hasanov TA Improvement
of Housing Management in Uzbekistan // Architecture.
Construction. Design Scientific and Practical Journal.
Special issue. 2018 122 p.
[15] Shanazarova Gulyora Bahtiyarovna. 2019. Features of Innovative Management Strategy
of the Automotive Industry of Uzbekistan. Indo - Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, 5(1): 1586 – 1591.
[2] Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On
measures to further improve the management of housing
and communal services" No. UP-5017. April 18, 2017
[3] Abdullina, A. R. Housing and communal services in Russia
[4] Aksenov P.N. Information technology in JKX is an effective
tool for improving communication and cultivation up to the
level of public utilities. - M.: Southeast -Service, 2009. - 243
[5] Vumek D.P. Lean production: how to get rid of losses and
achieve the prosperity of your company / James P.
Woomek, Daniel T. Jones; trans. from English [FROM.
Turko]. - M .: Alpina Business Books, 2004 .-- 471 p.
[6] Dorzhieva E.L. Innovations in the management of a
corporation based on the introduction of the concept of
"Lean Production" // Bulletin of ISTU No. 7 (78) 2013 p.
[7] Zarubin, V.N., Astakhov, S.V. Innovative methods of project
management in construction on Learn and BIM
technologies: a training manual / V.N. Zarubin, S.V.
Astakhov.-M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 2001.-100s.
[8] Imai M. Gemba Kaizen: A Way to Lower Costs and
Improve Quality. M .: Alpina Business Books, 2014.
[9] Institute for Integrated Strategic Research (ICSI) // Website
of the Institute for Integrated Strategic Research (ICSI):
URL: http: //
[10] Kirillova D. I. Problems in the field of housing and
communal services and ways to solve them,// Young
scientist. - 2014. - No. 14. - S. 162-163. - URL (accessed:
[11] Kuznetsov A. Lean thinking // Personnel. RU. - 2009. - No.
8.- URL http // wwww.
[12] Logistics in Russia [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
[13] Luttseva V.A. The application of the principles of lean
production in public institutions // Methods of quality
management. - 2006. - No. 6. - [Electronic resource] -
Access mode. - URL: (Date of access:
[14] Nurimbetov RI, Davletov IH, TA Hasanov TA Improvement
of Housing Management in Uzbekistan // Architecture.
Construction. Design Scientific and Practical Journal.
Special issue. 2018 122 p.
[15] Shanazarova Gulyora Bahtiyarovna. 2019. Features of Innovative Management Strategy
of the Automotive Industry of Uzbekistan. Indo - Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, 5(1): 1586 – 1591.