Инқироз ва ундан кейинги шароитлар учун давлат қарзларининг юқори чегараси
This article investigated the public debt. The study established two econometric models to determine the relationship between the level of economic growth in Uzbekistan and the country's debt level. While one is based solely on the dynamics of public debt to GDP, the second model also considers other factors that have positive and negative impact on economic growth.
Как цитировать
Hakimov, H. (2020). Инқироз ва ундан кейинги шароитлар учун давлат қарзларининг юқори чегараси. Архив научных исследований, 1(4). извлечено от https://ejournal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/1038
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Carola Conces Binder (2019). “Political Pressure on Central Banks”, http://econbrowser.com/archives/2019/07/guest-contribution-political-pressure-on-central-banks.
Chohan, U. W. (2016). Independent Fiscal Institutions at the Supranational Level: The European Fiscal Board. Available at SSRN 2883550.
Cordella, T., Ricci, L. A. and Ruiz-Arranz, M. (2010). Debt overhang or debt irrelevance?. IMF Staff Papers, 57(1), 1-24.
Khan, M.S. and Senhadji, A. S. (2001). Threshold effects in the relationship between inflation and growth. IMF Staff papers, 48(1), 1-21.
Kraay, A. and Nehru, V. (2006). When is external debt sustainable?. The World Bank Economic Review, 20(3), 341-365.
Omotosho, Babatunde S.; Bawa, Sani; Doguwa, Sani I. (2016). Determining the optimal public debt Threshold for Nigeria. CBN Journal of Applied Statistics, 7(2), 1-25.
Pattillo, C., Poirson, H., Ricci, L., Kraay, A. and Rigobon, R (2003). Through What Channels Does External Debt Affect Growth?[with Comments and Discussion]. In Brookings Trade Forum (pp. 229-277). Brookings Institution Press.
Scherjon, M. T. H. (2017). "The Search for the Optimal Debt Level." Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Қонун, (2019). Ўзбекистон Республикасининг «2020 йил учун Ўзбекистон Республикасининг Давлат бюджети тўғрисида»ги Қонуни, ЎРҚ-589-сон 09.12.2019, www.lex.uz.
Фармон, (2020). Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг “Коронавирус пандемияси ва глобал инқироз ҳолатларининг иқтисодиёт тармоқларига салбий таъсирини юмшатиш бўйича биринчи навбатдаги чора-тадбирлар тўғрисида”ги Фармони, ПФ-5969-сон, 19.03.2020, www.lex.uz.
Hakimov, Hakimjon. 2020. Issues of optimic basis of public financing in following financial and monetary policy. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 2, February-2020. ISSN 2229-5518. https://www.ijser.org/onlineResearchPaperViewer.aspx?ISSUES-OF-OPTIMIC-BASIS-OF-PUBLIC-FINANCING-IN-FOLLOWING-FINANCIAL-AND-MONETARY-POLICY.pdf
Carola Conces Binder (2019). “Political Pressure on Central Banks”, http://econbrowser.com/archives/2019/07/guest-contribution-political-pressure-on-central-banks.
Chohan, U. W. (2016). Independent Fiscal Institutions at the Supranational Level: The European Fiscal Board. Available at SSRN 2883550.
Cordella, T., Ricci, L. A. and Ruiz-Arranz, M. (2010). Debt overhang or debt irrelevance?. IMF Staff Papers, 57(1), 1-24.
Khan, M.S. and Senhadji, A. S. (2001). Threshold effects in the relationship between inflation and growth. IMF Staff papers, 48(1), 1-21.
Kraay, A. and Nehru, V. (2006). When is external debt sustainable?. The World Bank Economic Review, 20(3), 341-365.
Omotosho, Babatunde S.; Bawa, Sani; Doguwa, Sani I. (2016). Determining the optimal public debt Threshold for Nigeria. CBN Journal of Applied Statistics, 7(2), 1-25.
Pattillo, C., Poirson, H., Ricci, L., Kraay, A. and Rigobon, R (2003). Through What Channels Does External Debt Affect Growth?[with Comments and Discussion]. In Brookings Trade Forum (pp. 229-277). Brookings Institution Press.
Scherjon, M. T. H. (2017). "The Search for the Optimal Debt Level." Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Қонун, (2019). Ўзбекистон Республикасининг «2020 йил учун Ўзбекистон Республикасининг Давлат бюджети тўғрисида»ги Қонуни, ЎРҚ-589-сон 09.12.2019, www.lex.uz.
Фармон, (2020). Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг “Коронавирус пандемияси ва глобал инқироз ҳолатларининг иқтисодиёт тармоқларига салбий таъсирини юмшатиш бўйича биринчи навбатдаги чора-тадбирлар тўғрисида”ги Фармони, ПФ-5969-сон, 19.03.2020, www.lex.uz.
Hakimov, Hakimjon. 2020. Issues of optimic basis of public financing in following financial and monetary policy. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 2, February-2020. ISSN 2229-5518. https://www.ijser.org/onlineResearchPaperViewer.aspx?ISSUES-OF-OPTIMIC-BASIS-OF-PUBLIC-FINANCING-IN-FOLLOWING-FINANCIAL-AND-MONETARY-POLICY.pdf